Center for Natural Resources

Fostering the collaborative and equitable stewardship of our lands, wildlife, water, and energy resources.

The Keystone Value

Keystone’s Center for Natural Resources provides full-scale expertise and a range of customizable approaches that serve as the catalyst for collaborative, objective-driven dialogue advancing:

  • Stakeholder, community and public engagement to inform management decisions

  • Local, state, federal and Tribal/Indigenous coordination

  • Fair, equitable and inclusive resource access and management

  • Public and private resource stewardship

  • Consideration of diverse values and interests associated with resource conservation and resource use

  • Socially responsible governance of emerging technologies

Our Expertise

Climate Resilience

From decarbonization to climate adaptation, Keystone advances public and private sector solutions to mitigate and respond to climate change.

Wildlife and Habitat

Keystone brings communities and stakeholders together to catalyze wildlife and habitat solutions for public and private lands.

Public Lands Recreation and Conservation

Keystone addresses public lands conservation, recreation and access, and resource use challenges with collaborative solutions.

Energy Systems and Transitions

Keystone convenes multi-stakeholder groups to adapt energy systems to respond to changing human and environmental needs.

Water Systems

Keystone creates solutions for water conservation and quality, and the resilience of water systems to growing demand and a changing climate.

Emerging Technologies

Keystone incorporates diverse societal perspectives into discussion of responsible governance of emerging technologies like gene editing.

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